quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2013



Interesting for those who are financially inclined to get a better
perspective on the world's economies.
We know the world's richest man is Carlos Slim Helu of Mexico,
followed by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet of USA.
How about governments?
Which countries government's is the richest
(having most money that is, in US$)
If you are expecting North American and European nations,
you might be disappointed.
While the countries look rich, wealthy European nations can't withstand
a prolonged major financial crisis, just like Greece.
The USA might have the biggest economy, but the American government
is not at all rich; in fact, it can't even take out $150bn if asked to now
without resorting to borrowing.
To date the US government has borrowed $14 trillion!
The UK, likewise, while the country/people are rich,
the government isn't.
The UK government's debt stands at $9 trillion now.

World's Richest Government
Richest governments after 2008-2009 financial crisis:

1. China
National reserves: $2,454,300,000,000

2. Japan
National reserves: $1,019,000,000,000

3. Russia
National reserves: $458,020,000,000

4. Saudi Arabia
National reserves: $395,467,000,000

5. Taiwan
National reserves: $362,380,000,000

6. India
National reserves: $279,422,000,000

7. South Korea
National reserves: $274,220,000,000

8. Switzerland
National reserves: $262,000,000,000

9. Hong Kong, China
National reserves: $256,000,000,000

10. Brazil
National reserves: $255,000,000,000





An Endless Cycle

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