segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2014

[MorrendoDeRir.52160] Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds
Peacock made of butterfly pea flowers, bottlebrush leaves, coconut leaf sticks, allamandas/trumpet flowers

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds

Rooster made of gerberas and leaves

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds
Parrot made from butterfly peas and gerberas

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds
Kingfisher made of gerberas, butterfly peas and purple shamrocks

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds
Hornbill made of chrysanthemums, germeras and purple shamrocks

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds
Flamingos made from pink gerberas and twigs

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds
Flamingo made from pink gerberas and twigs

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds
Northern cardinal made of red gerberas and deep purple chrysanthemums with dill

Birds Made of Flower Petals and Leaves by Red Hong Yi plants multiples flowers birds

Known for her numerous art projects where images are created using numerous objects, artist Red Hong Yi has begun a new series of birds made with flower petals and leaves. You might remember the project from earlier this spring where she played with her food. Many more birds are forthcoming and you can follow along viaInstagram. (via designboom)


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