terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

[Aulinhas Gifs] cute Liza Nieuwe tube van Liza




Mijn eigen Website/ My own Website



  Hallo allemaal

Ik hoop dat je veel plezier beleeft aan mijn tubes.

Je mag mijn tubes delen alleen met  originele preview en naamlaag die bij de tube zit.

Het © copyright ligt altijd bij de originele artiest,
ik ben slechts de tuber.

Heel veel plezier ermee

Groetjes Liza  

Ik deel mijn tubes ook op
I share my tubes also here

Tubedelen- Patries clean tubes

My own share group

The clean tube carousel

You have permission to share my tubes with

other groups but please send them with the

original preview

thank you

Wil je mijn tubes gebruiken voor je lessen vraag even voor toestemming.

If you would like to use my tubes for lessons please ask for permission


Hello every body   The © copyright always belongs to the owner of the original ,
I am only the tuber
Have fun with it....
greetings Liza

in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment .
To those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational or criticism purposes only.






Para aprender a trabalhar com os programas PSP - Paint Shop Pro e Animation, entre na Comunidade do Orkut "PSP Aulinhas Gifs" no link abaixo:
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Você está recebendo este e-mail porque está inscrito no Grupo de troca de materiais/imagens para PSP de nome - "Aulinhas Gifs"
Para enviar mensagens ao Grupo envie email para:: aulinhasgifs@googlegroups.com
Para sair do Grupo envie email para: aulinhasgifs+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
Para mais opções visite o Grupo no link: http://groups.google.com/group/aulinhasgifs?hl=pt-BR_BR?hl=pt-BR
Agradecemos sua participação!

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