sábado, 5 de outubro de 2013

[MorrendoDeRir.51164] Soviet Photography 1917 - 1940 Part - 1



Soviet Photography 1917 - 1940 

A set of interesting pictures of the early Soviet times.

Red Army patrol in Petrograd, 1917.
Checking documents at the entrance to Smolniy, November, 1917.
Young guard of Petrograd, 1919.
Graduates of the courses for Red Army commanding officers, Petrograd, 1919.

Red Army men, 1920s.

Moscow, Sukharevskiy market, 1920s.
Moscow, Borodino bridge, 1920s.
Moscow, Pushkin Square, 1920s.
Dinner in the commune, 1920s.

Washing in the Mosow river, 1920s.
Soviet Bolshevik leader M. Kalinin with villagers in the house of his mother, 1920.
Famous Soviet military leaders over the map of the south front. 1920.
Meeting of the Red International Union, 1924.

Agitation vehicle of one factory at the october demostration, Leningrad 1924.
At the reception of the all-Union Bolshevik headman M. Kalinin, 1924.

Orphan home, 1925.
Shoe-repair shop, 1925.

Tea drinking, 1926.
Soviet tractors, 1925.
Yard, 1927.
Meeting of women-workers in the Kremlin, 1927.

N. Krupskaya with women-workers, 1928.
Meeting of working and village reporters, 1928.

Kara Kum melody, 1928.
To Moscow for work, 1928.
Red Army song, 1928.
Schoolchildren of Turkmenia, 1928.




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