Every now and then, I find myself sitting at my desk, with a pad of paper in front of me and a pen in hand, mindlessly doodling loops and swirls of ink into abstract blobs. Russian artists Sergei & Vyacheslav Savelyev seem to have a similar affinity for doodling, although these portraits are quite the opposite of careless scratches and scrawls! The project, entitled Scribble Portraits, is a collection of well-executed depictions that are drawn with just your everyday ballpoint pens.
The twin Savelyev brothers, who go by the collective name SaveL, create extremely defined portraits of well-known celebrity faces like Julia Roberts, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, and Robert DeNiro. They also have an extensive portfolio of friends, family, and even their own faces featured in a brilliant collection of scribble art. Faces magically appear from the blends of light and dark pink, blue, and yellow ink strokes. Through this fun and energetic style of drawing, the Savelyev brothers obtain amazing details and build beautiful artwork with just a simple pen and hands that never stop doodling.
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