sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

[MorrendoDeRir.52735] VV VERESHCHAGIN


portrait of Bachi.

Vereshchagin - artist of the legendary fortune and glory. For contemporaries - both at home and in Europe - it is not only an outstanding painter, but also a desperate revolutionary break with the generally accepted in the life and work, outstanding talent and the outstanding nature - perhaps as nature it is even greater, grander than as a talent ."Vereshchagin is not just only an artist, but something more," - wrote Kramskoj after the first acquaintance with his painting and a few years later again said: "Despite the interest in his art collections, the author himself is a hundred times more interesting and instructive."  J. W. Brooke. 


reproductions signed. Put the cursor on the picture, the inscription emerge. 1842 14/26 October was born in the city of Cherepovets Novgorod province in the family of the district marshal of the nobility.  1850-1859 studied at the Alexander juvenile housing in Tsarskoye Selo and in the Sea Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg (1853).  1858 -1859 attend classes for volnoprihodyaschego the Drawing School of the St. Petersburg Society for the Encouragement of Artists.  1860 Completes Sea Cadet Corps with the rank of midshipman fleet; on their own retirement. Entered the Academy of Arts. (Leaves it in 1863, the number of formally there until 1865.)  At the invitation of 1863-1864 L.F.Lagorio made ​​a trip to the Caucasus to the Georgian Military Highway. Lives in Tbilisi. 1903 made ​​a trip to Japan. Works in Tokyo and Nikko.  1904, February 28 after the announcement of the Russian-Japanese war, leaving the army in the Far East.  1904, March 31 (April 13) was killed in Port Arthur in the explosion flagship battleship "Petropavlovsk". 

The rich Kirghiz hunter with a falcon

In the Alatau mountains

In the mountains.  1890

In Jerusalem.  Royal tombs

Two Jews, 1881

Dervishes in celebratory clothes


Kyrgyz woman, 1888

View of the Crimea, 1890

Death caused Vereshchagin  responses worldwide. In the press there was plenty of articles about the life and work of Vereshchagin. Among them was a bright and informative article V.V.Stasova

Portrait of a boy

In St. Petersburg in autumn 1904  opened a large posthumous exhibition of paintings by Vereshchagin, and a few years  in the city of Nikolayev was a museum in his name, in the exhibition which included  some of the works and personal belongings of VV Vereshchagin. 

Walk in the boat

 Heartfelt words said about Vereshchagin IE Repin: "Vereshchagin - the greatest artist of his time [...] it is breaking new ground in the art." "Vereshchagin - huge personality, it really is the hero ... Vereshchagin super-artist, as well as the super-man."
And it's just words.

The ruins of the Chinese shrine.  Ak-Kent

Garden gate in Chuguchak

Samarkand.  Gur-Emir Mausoleum

Shinto shrine in Nikko


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