terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2015


The house has to be a cat. 
The house should be plaid. 
Ancient grandmother aloe bush.

And for skirting - voila! - 
old child a secret. 
And stop logs - about the former ...

The house should be a wardrobe, 
albeit raspy, homely - 
in its interior, warmed over the years, 
a bunch of letters to find, 
razverneshsya old leaf, 
finely-finely scribbled mom ...

The house should be light 
from the night of the window, 
the smell of coffee and apples with cinnamon ... 
and Sunday lunch. 
And the silence of books. 
And then nothing happens ... " Marina Semchenko Saffron

3- Nicola Bayley artist (196x206, 20Kb)


British artist - illustrator Nicola Bayley works in watercolor technique on thick paper 'Fabriano' and uses stippling - a technique of small dots that make it a magnificent illustration in exquisite detail. Art education has received in the Royal College of Art. Nicola Bayley has built a reputation as one of the most talented and creative contemporary illustrators.



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