sábado, 27 de junho de 2015

[MorrendoDeRir.52960] ♥♀pЄʼnЄļŏpЄ♂ MASKS OF VENICE ANDREI POTERYAYLO♀pЄʼnЄļŏpЄ♂♥¸.*

-- I present to you the work of the artist Andrei Poteryaylo (Mancino).

artist Andrei Poteryaylo -01

Artist Andrew Poteryaylo was born in 1974 in Kiev.

It was then studying in the Kiev Republican Art School and visit the private studio of analytical drawing Nicholas Shkaraputa.

When Andrew was 17 years old, he moved with his family to the United States. Again he studied: the Pratt Institute in New York, and then studying in Amsterdam and Venice.

Thus was born an artist Andrei Poteryaylo. But Mancino (left-handed) - a nickname that was given to the artist Italian colleagues.

Venice - a separate theme in the artist. And it is on this subject, I picked up the work.

Let's see.


artist Andrei Poteryaylo -02artist Andrei Poteryaylo -03artist Andrei Poteryaylo -04artist Andrei Poteryaylo -05artist Andrei Poteryaylo -06artist Andrei Poteryaylo -07artist Andrei Poteryaylo -08artist Andrei Poteryaylo -09artist Andrei Poteryaylo -10artist Andrei Poteryaylo -11artist Andrei Poteryaylo -12artist Andrei Poteryaylo -13artist Andrei Poteryaylo -14artist Andrei Poteryaylo -15artist Andrei Poteryaylo -16artist Andrei Poteryaylo -17



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