Sarah Jane Szikora was born in county Durham, England, in 1971. Sarah was encouraged from a young age to pursue her interest in drawing which led to a course in art and design at Harrogate College. Illustration at Cleveland College of Art followed from where she developed a love of drawing the human form!
Local dance studios created a melting pot of material from which a collection of drawings were created and developed into her fat and skinny ladies.
Sarah's influences include the wonderful and amusing drawings of Thomas Rowlanson and many other important artists. "I love humour and draw a lot of inspiration from funny books, films and television."
Her aim is most definitely not to ridicule but promote the idea of a society that likes itself and where her people, the ladies especially are confident positive characters, comfortable with their bodies. Sarah is very serious about her work, but most of all she wants to make people smile.
Distorted figures and animals, naughty food and gingerbead men form the main subjects in the artwork created by Sarah-Jane Szikora. Painted in vibrant, lively colours, her amusing take on the human condition would challenge even the sternest individual not to crack a smile.
"I draw my inspiration anywhere and everywhere. It's a case of looking at life upside down and applying a good dollop of imagination." She says "Occasionally I go over to the dark side but, generally, I love the challenge of finding humour in an otherwise ordinary situation."
Larger than life figures jump from the canvas, swimming in colour and intricate detail; they form the signature of many pieces and make Sarah-Jane's work instantly recognisable.
Commenting on her 'fat ladies' Sarah-Jane says, "there is obsession in our society about appearance, everyone is on a diet. Why can't we just like ourselves more? Let's occasionally enjoy a guilt free doughnut (or two)."
Based in Gateshead, the North East has always been Sarah-Jane's home.
"I was an unsociable hermit as a child, spending an embarrassing amount of time alone scribbling," she says. "I didn't like school much and was relieved to escape into art colleges in Harrogate and Teeside. Golden days indeed, but between loafing around in responsibility free bliss, I never missed a single life class; those lessons were to be the building blocks of my whole artistic experience."
"Rather than sketch out a painting, I prefer to paint straight onto the canvas leaving the door open to its creative development."
Over the last ten years Sarah-Jane has had several major Birmingham and London based exhibitions. Many of her pieces have been produced as limited edition prints, 3-D sculpture, stationery, jigsaws, Royal Worcester cermamics and a book.
Considering her future, Sarah-Jane says: "It's a dream come true being allowed to indulge my artistic whims and fancies. I've gained a following of lovely collectors without whom these shenanigans would not be possible. It's my job to keep them smiling."
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