In the spring there is the expectation of the renewal of life, the mysterious call of action is joyful, lively, gratifying, some happiness, friendship, love, long-distance roads, Unexpected Joy.
Each day of spring have some holiday soul. Man to do good, fun fills the soul.
In the spring you want to live.
In the spring, even clever smile. And the lovely woman in spring even more charming.
It smells and breathes the land. Forest alive and pour its freshness, in the fields of the color of light, like tiny sun.Konstantin Korovin
Again, thanks to the mystery,
breathe deeply insidious
in the heart gushing spring,
Happiness quiet presentiment,
and a living soul comorbid
birds in expanses of the height. Again are dreams and joy! Razolyutsya in the sweetness of the Red kashek, fresh herbs. Hearing zanezhu in vernal delights in Noise midges, lightweight rustle newly awakened oak. Again the night naked in the water to stare sleepy, To blush at dawn. Tuchka slim gain to the Golden Horn month, will melt in silver.These trends and thawing, these mleyanya and aspirations This cute noise May - Captivating to infinity, return the secret of wholeness again and the world, words and thoughts ... Bryusov
"It is necessary not only to love nature and to be able to transfer that love to the canvas where you want to guess and size sensitive scenic spots, and the delicacy of relations in the picturesque nature, and its sense of beauty."
"... It would be good to have in the painting, as in music, tuning fork, that is a subject that would not lose their luminosity, day or night, neither winter nor summer would be permanent, not changing from the surrounding environment."
I asked what is more important: the color or tone?
I answer: "Which foot right person, right or left?" Krymov Nikolai Petrovich (1884-1958)
Nikolai Krymov never craved the honors and rewards - they found it.Crimea was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR in 1942 and People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1956. Since 1949 he was a member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, and in 1954 in connection with the 70 th anniversary was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. There was a special bond between the work of Nikolai Petrovich, his works and collectors. Pictures acquired Krymov artists and art lovers. His landscapes are in the collections of prominent Moscow collectors beginning of XX century: Alexei Morozov and Ilya Vikulovicha Ostroukhova, at the famous dressmaker Lamanova Nadezhda Petrovna, and many others.
Lidia Brodsky recalled that often admired his excellent work hanging in the collection of her father - the artist Isaac Brodsky. When the Tretyakov Gallery in 1922, the first solo exhibition was opened Krymov, provided more than fifty works Moscow collectors.
Windmill in Tarusa
His paintings adorn not only the museum collections, and private homes. Probably every viewer finds in them something dear to myself, organic commensurate feelings and experiences of the human soul and the natural world.Although about himself and his work Nikolai noticed with his characteristic humor: "I can write only bushes and fences, but this I do best."
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