segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2015

[MorrendoDeRir.53185] Fw: {HumorErotica} Bozos Of The Day - From Butler, Clarence, Edmond,

From: Les
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2015 7:56 PM
Subject: {HumorErotica} Bozos Of The Day - From Butler, Clarence, Edmond,
December 07, 2010 11:45 AM PST
Bozo criminal for today comes from Butler, Pennsylvania, where bozo Chad Carson stole a car, which he found unlocked with the keys inside. Our bozo had been drinking and his reflexes apparently weren't too good and before he got very far he crashed the vehicle into a utility pole. Finding himself uninjured, our bozo simply jumped out of the car and fled. No problems, right? Wrong. When he ran away he left his wallet and cellphone inside the car. He's busted!
December 06, 2010 12:49 PM PST
Bozo criminal for today comes from Clarence, New York where an unidentified bozo dialed a number that he thought belonged to his drug dealer and told the person on the other end of the line that he was looking "to score" drugs. Unfortunately he mis-dialed and, instead of getting his dealer, he called the local "Crime Stoppers." The cop on the other end of the line played along and set up a meeting with undercover officers. In the spirit of the holiday season, the cops let our bozo off after he agreed to give them the right number this time for his drug dealer who was busted.
December 04, 2010 03:55 PM PST
Bozo criminals for today come from Edmond, Oklahoma where bozos Ailene Bowen and Shirley Tate tried to shoplift some items from the local TJ Maxx store. The items included four pair of boots, three pair of jeans, a wallet and gloves. You'd have to wonder where they would try to hide such a large number of items. You'd probably never think of the location. Our bozos tried to smuggle the items in the copious folds of fat on their bodies. Maybe they needed to gain a few more pounds. Security guards noticed their rather lumpy appearance and they were placed under arrest.

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