terça-feira, 27 de maio de 2014

[MorrendoDeRir.52065] Coffee lovers designers


Brooklyn based Coffee lovers and designers called Yumi Yumi, have designer a line of cups that give you something to make you smile as early as your first cup of Tea or Coffee. They have designed a line of cups with creatures at the bottom that seem to rise up as you finish your drink.


Creatures in a Cup



After playing with the idea in their head for years, they finally decided to go for it. Being an avid coffee drinker, Yumi had this idea brewing for years until she finally realized exactly where her creatures belonged – in the bottom of your coffee cup of course!





The Cup creatures include the likes of an Octopus, Crocodile, Pelican, Spider, Sea Otter, Shark and Lobster, as well as one with a Skull. A dose of delightful shock to unsuspecting caffeine drinkers, which surely adds some entertainment to morning breakfasts. With the octopus and sea otter currently making their coffee rounds, Creature Cups are quickly being sold out due to high demand.







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